Yummy Day

Yesterday was doctor day for Auggie Boy. He did so good--shots and all.
Doug, Emery and I also ended up getting our flu shots and surprisingly enough, there were hardly any tears!
The boy is up to 14 lbs 7 oz and is 25 inches long. Double his birth weight! All of a sudden he is growing and changing everyday. I looked back and Emery was 13 lbs 10 oz and 24.75 inches--just a little smaller. Both the perfect size!
I am sorry August. I had to put this picture on here because I giggle every time I see it. I will use it to embarrass you later on in life.   
Doctor gave us the go ahead to give August some cereal. Maybe it will settle his stomach and it will give him practice for the real stuff. Emery was pumped. She kept yelling ,"Baby Auggie need FOOOOOOOD!" She stirred it up good for him. 
This was his very first bite....not so sure of it.
We tried it again.....
And he LOVED it!!
Emery-aka Little Mother Hen- had to feed him too. 
I love how much she loves him. And things are just starting to get fun...every new milestone for him is one for her too. They will grow and change together and I cannot wait to watch.
So even though it was our "Monday" and we got shots, it was a great, yummy day. 


  1. Awww so precious. I'm glad Augie liked his cereal. So precioius how Em wants to help. She loves her brother sooo much and you can tell he loves her too. Love you all.


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