Lets Just Keep This Break Thing Going.....

I have been very busy over here staying in pajamas, skipping baths, staying up past bedtimes and making messes. Just what I needed this Christmas Break. 

Monday is going to hit us hard.

But lets not think about Monday just yet. 
Instead lets stay in jammies and not do our hair. And cuddle, cuddle, cuddle.
Lets try this potty training thing a couple more times and go through all of Em's new undies...again.
Lets have a permanent sidekick that is always watching...and smiling.
Lets take big naps because we stayed up too late. And again, with the not do our hair thing.....
Lets eat snacks and treats until we are about to bust.
Lets play with new toys and make lots of messes.
And when Mommy asks us to help her out we will gladly "make" our bed.
(I asked Em to help and go try and make her bed....this is what I got.)
Lets just keep smiling at the silly things Em and Aug do.
Lets play with friends until we are sweaty and exhausted. But still so happy.
Lets keep celebrating this new year.
And lets keep loving every minute we have together!

Happy New Year! And Happy Break! And Happy Friday!


  1. Love love love the pics. So happy for you that you have been able to have this time off to enjoy being home and spoiling your little ones. Such a treat to read your blogs and see the beautiful pictures filled with love.


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